Purple Flower Field


Lucie's Online

Effective Therapy Solutions

About Lucie

Through hypnosis, I help people connect with the unconscious mind. This allows a release of emotions attached to past traumas and limiting beliefs. The process is natural and the results are permanent.

Snow Covered Trees


Negative beliefs

Anger, rage, resentment

Fear and anxiety

Grief, sadness, depression


Low self-esteem

Dysfunctional relationships

Traumatic Stress

Professional competence doubts




I am Lucie Grzelak, and I help people who are fed up with their past traumas, limiting beliefs, pain or fears about the future taking over their present life. But before I tell you what led me to this fantastic career, let me tell you about myself.

I live in northern Ontario, Canada. I’m married to a wonderful man, and I have three beautiful daughters who have blessed us with seven adorable grandchildren. I worked in the corporate world for ten years before returning to school to become an elementary school teacher. For the last 17 years of that career, I ran a center for children on the Autism Spectrum in my local school board.

Four years ago, I took early retirement and embarked on a new journey that led me to self-discovery, letting go of limiting beliefs and releasing pain caused by childhood traumas. I didn’t realize how much this deep mental anguish I had carried since childhood had negatively affected me in every aspect of my life.

This healing, and new self-awareness, changed my life forever. I learned to accept and forgive myself for not being perfect. I could reconcile with the fact that what happened to me was not my fault, and I finally let go of the guilt I shouldn’t have felt in the first place. Relationships that had been challenging with no chance of improving have turned around.

As a result, I gained self-confidence I didn’t know I possessed. And most of all, I learned to appreciate myself more by acknowledging that I matter. I always did and always will! As a result, I now love and respect the woman I see in the mirror!!

Because of these new mindsets and improved confidence, I knew that there had to be others who could benefit from this form of therapy as I had.

I knew I wasn’t the only one whose true self was screaming to get out without knowing how to unleash it.

I knew I wasn’t the only one who knew that life could be better than all that pain and worry.

But, I also knew that if simply talking about the pain and pretending it wasn’t there wasn’t a permanent answer for me, it wasn’t for others either.

Since I discovered the authentic person under all the pain through hypnotherapy, I firmly believe this could also be true for you. Don’t you deserve to know who you are without all this pain and worry? Don’t you feel it’s time you get rid of the excess baggage and shine?

If this resonates with you and you’re ready to discover how beautiful you are and what it’s like to be free, let’s chat by booking an appointment on my calendar.


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The sessions I have had with Lucie have been wonderful. Her knowledge of the process and many numerous techniques have allowed me to clear many emotions that are no longer serving me. She is extremely professional, empathetic and seems to be able to easily determine what emotion(s) should be explored further. She is extremely gentle in her approach, yet very effective. Lucie can easily adapt to any changes which come up in my sessions. I am so very grateful for Lucie and would highly recommend her services to anyone who wishes to improve their life.

Shelley B.

Ontario, Canada

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Lucie was recommended to me by a friend, and our first meeting was to get to know each other to make sure we were a good fit. Although English is not my first language, the therapy sessions were as successful as they could have been in my mother tongue. When I struggled with some words or expressions, Lucie was very patient and helpful. Lucie has warm motherly energy, or she could be like your favourite teacher from middle school. It felt easy to open up to her, and she celebrated my every win with me. I always had a feeling Lucie remembered everything that I had previously shared with her, and I didn’t have to repeat myself. Before ending each session, she made sure I was good and ready to end it. Also, she is very punctual to agreed meeting times. I would be happy to recommend Lucie to all of my friends and would definitely use her services again if needed.



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Lucie is a great therapist she has the ability to help others get to the core of their issues through her hypnotherapy. She is very professional and patient. During my sessions, I always feel very comfortable with her. She played a monumental role in my healing process, helping me to go through traumatic experiences from the past and childhood trauma so they no longer affect me. Incredibly empathetic and a great listener. Able to guide you to your own solutions with great feedback and insightful discussions. I can highly recommend her.


Ontario, Canada

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Thank you note to Lucie Grzelak.

This year, for the first time in my life, I had to go through a hypnotherapy course.

I did it because I couldn´t get out of long-term stress, which started to affect my health.

My daughter convinced me to try.

So, I started very reluctantly. I thought that it wouldn´t help and it was not for me.

Also, I thought that I (grew up in the Soviet Union) and Lucie (Canadian) are from such different cultural and social stratums, that it would be impossible for her to understand my feelings and why I had such stress. My tremendous guilt, which torched me so badly, didn´t have any rational basis. I didn’t regret that I didn´t do something. In fact, I did everything for my mom as a very good daughter. The only thing I didn´t do, was I didn´t understand my mom and all the time tried to change her so, that she would feel better. But my mom needed only to be understood, as all of us do.

But I was wrong about the therapy and about Lucie. We started slowly, but still, the sessions were very painful for me. I thought my health was getting even worse after such intensive stress, when, instead of trying to forget everything, I was forced to remember it as it happened yesterday. But our regular “exercises” somehow worked the right way.

I can´t really explain it, maybe eventually, I started to feel that I should have been done with my crying and should go on with my life. It´s still painful and I still cry, but not every day and not every hour, as it used to be.

With Lucie, I did my first meditation with deep relaxation. I never did it before and it was not easy, but every time I managed to relax deeper and deeper, it felt wonderful.

I also managed to control my crying attacks somehow. Well, I still can´t stop it but I can make them shorter.

Lucie instructed me on how to feel during my meditation relaxation, how to feel my body and how to control my energy. I appreciate my new skill as a big gift.

Lucie was very understanding and tactful. She didn´t push me but just let me feel my feelings and got over that tragedy.

All in all, the difference between us turned out not to be so big, we understood each other. People´s feelings all over the world are more or less the same.

Thank you very much, Lucie!

I recommend anyone to use Lucie´s therapy skills.


Helsinki, Finland

Allow yourself to see what you don't allow yourself to see!

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